Common Types of Land Use and Natural Resources Information
Types of Land Use and Natural Resources Information |
Information Examples |
Site accessibility |
Use of land on or near the site (e.g., types and levels of activities for potentially exposed populations, CERCLA or RCRA sites in area) |
Youth-centered areas |
Waste and disposal sites |
Recreational uses of the site |
Recreational areas around or near the site |
Future land use |
Locations of public and private water supplies—used on-site or off-site for drinking water, agriculture, or commercial purposes—and their distances from the site |
Surface water use |
Locations of any drainage systems (see if potential conduits for contamination) |
Nearby agricultural areas |
Market/consumption patterns for foods from nearby agricultural areas |
Biota (plants and animals) potentially affected by the site |
Patterns of human consumption of biota potentially affected by the site | Tribal populations preparing and using food in traditional ways |
Page last reviewed: August 4, 2022
Content source: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry