Common Types of Demographic and Community Data

Common Types of Demographic and Community Data
Demographic Information to Collect
  • A description of residential populations living near or on the site.
  • A description of people who may be exposed at nearby businesses, schools, and recreational areas.
  • The location and distance from the site or contaminated areas to nearby residents.
  • The size of the population within a specific radius of the site.
  • Age, gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status distribution in the potentially affected community.
  • Stability or transient nature of the population (e.g., length of residency or age changes that may require looking at older censuses/demographics for past periods).
Community Information to Collect
  • Records of environmental and health concerns expressed made by the public, including documentation of when these concerns were voiced.
  • Actions taken by federal, state, or local agencies (such as health departments), and responsible parties in response to health concerns, complaints, or issues.
  • Health and other data obtained through individual and community meetings or through community health studies.
  • Knowledge on local environmental justice, tribal member concerns, or community interest groups and issues that may reflect unique cultural concerns.
  • History of government involvement and community response to past involvement.
  • Community expectations for ATSDR involvement.
  • Newspaper articles (print and online).
  • Social media, including town Facebook pages, minutes of town council meetings.
Page last reviewed: August 4, 2022