Key Activities Before, During, and After the Site Visit
This image shows a cycle as signified by blue arrows. The cycle starts with the “Before the visit,” then goes to “During the Site Visit” and ends with “After the Site Visit.” Between the “Before the Site Visit,” arrow and the “During the Site Visit” arrow, the text states, “Review already collected site-specific information. Identify information needs. Prepare a list of information needs and questions to pursue. Determine if it is necessary to enter any restricted areas. Meet with the other site team members to plan the site visit. Print pathway-related checklists or data-gathering templates.” Between the “During the Site Visit” and “After the Site Visit” arrows, the text states, “Identify possible source areas. Look for signs of human activities. Ask your prepared questions. Collect documents and data. Take photographs (if allowed). Record physical features. Meet with community, local/state office, and tribal representatives. Document site visit findings. Between the “After the Site Visit” and “Before the Site Visit” arrows, the text states, “Review and compile all the information gathered. Conduct a team debriefing meeting. Identify any further data needs. Reach out to additional contacts, as needed. Perform more file reviews, if necessary. Prepare a site visit report if needed for future reference.”