What to know
ATSDR studies asbestos research, evaluates exposures at sites like natural deposits and buildings, and publishes reports. Evaluations cover various states and include vermiculite from Libby, Montana. Peer-reviewed journal publications are also available.

ATSDR has been involved in both general research on asbestos and in evaluating exposures to asbestos at specific sites. These sites include:
- Natural deposits of asbestos or mining operations
- Buildings or other processed asbestos products.
These reports are available to the public.
Natural deposits or mining operations
El Dorado Hills (August 2011) – Evaluation of community-wide exposures to naturally occurring asbestos in El Dorado County
Oak Ridge High School (January 2006) – Evaluation of exposures to naturally occurring asbestos at a high school campus in El Dorado County
Westville NOA (October 2009) – Letter to state with advice for local agencies on naturally occurring asbestos
Minefields Asbestos Site (July 2012) – Evaluation of activity-based sampling for naturally occurring asbestos at a youth camp
Bald Friar Quarry (December 2012) – Evaluation of activity-based sampling for naturally occurring asbestos at a youth camp
Sapphire Mine (September 2009) – Evaluation of exposures at a gem mine with natural asbestos deposits
Borit – Four health consultations and one PHA for evaluations related to a site near former asbestos mining and processing operation
- Health outcome data evaluation (January 2009)
- Air sampling results from 2006-2007 (March 2009)
- Groundwater monitoring data review (July 2013)
- Public health assessment (January 2015)
Swift Creek/Sumas – Evaluations of exposure to asbestos from natural landslide contaminating floodplains and sediments of Swift Creek and the Sumas River
Other asbestos products
Redwood Early Childhood Center (March 2013) – Evaluation of exposures at a school near a former Libby vermiculite processor
Illinois Beach State Park – Evaluations of exposures to asbestos at park near former asbestos manufacturer
Johns Manville Site (December 2008) – Letter evaluating proposed remedial actions at former asbestos manufacturer
Powhatan Mining Company – Evaluations of asbestos sampling results from residences on and near the site of a former asbestos manufacturer
World Trade Center (September 2002) – Report including evaluations of asbestos exposures resulting from the World Trade Center disaster
North Ridge Estates – Evaluations of asbestos exposure at neighborhood built on improperly demolished and buried old buildings
Hunting Point – Letters evaluating exposures and cleanup actions at an apartment complex where improper asbestos removals occurred during renovation
New London Apartment Building (February 2008) - Evaluation of asbestos exposures at an apartment building where improper asbestos removals occurred during renovation
Former Solvay Coke Facility (August 2008) - Evaluation of health concerns related to asbestos in stockpiled demolition debris
Vermiculite from Libby, Montana
- Public Health Assessment (May 2003)
- Health consultation on mortality from asbestosis in Libby, Montana (August 2002)
- Summary report of 28 Libby vermiculite processing sites (October 2008)
- Site-specific reports for Libby vermiculite processing sites
Peer-reviewed journal publications
The following links lead to pubMed abstracts from 2005 to 2015.
Libby vermiculite exposure and risk of developing asbestos-related lung and pleural diseases
Vermiculite worker mortality: estimated effects of occupational exposure to Libby amphibole
Associations between radiographic findings and spirometry in a community exposed to Libby amphibole
Impact of body mass index on the detection of radiographic localized pleural thickening