Chapter 6. Introduction

What to know

Communities are made up of “social networks” which include the “linkages” among individuals and community groups. Social networks inform community engagement, so we can recognize health issues and strive for health improvement. As electronic social media forms and engages networks, we note the role of social networks in community engagement.

Community engagement header

Section Overview

What are Social Networks?

A social network is made up of a limited number of people that are connected in various ways. An individual can be part of multiple social networks. The nature of these networks and the individual’s connection to the networks can vary greatly. Social networks can be based on geographic proximity, work relationships, or recreational activities. Social networks can also be described based on

  • how many people or organizations are involved
  • how well the members of the network know each other
  • how equal the relationships are


Wasserman S, Faust K. Social network analysis: methods and applications. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University; 1994.