At a glance
These templates and tools are provided to help you advertise soilSHOP events and engage partnerships for more impactful health promotion.
Outreach and partnership
Outreach is an essential piece of your soilSHOP work. Outreach raises community awareness about the soilSHOP services. It also helps event planners better understand the community's environmental health interests, concerns, and needs. These templates and tools are designed to help you advertise soilSHOP events to encourage community participation. Plan to distribute these materials in the months and weeks leading up to the event. Distribute these materials to the public and/or partner organizations and display them widely.
Partnerships between organizations are important to the success of health promotion. They achieve greater outcomes than individuals or organizations acting alone. These benefits can include more effective service delivery.
Partnerships are a key component of soilSHOPs. Partners can provide additional resources to support the event, such as staff, soil screening equipment, and community contacts. They can share responsibilities and offer other unique services to the community in addition to free soil screening and health education.
Potential partners for soilSHOPs can include:
- Community leaders
- Government (like the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)
- Non-governmental (like Cooperative Extension Service Organizations or Foundations)
- Local and state health departments
- Local and state environmental agencies
- Local environmental conservation groups
- Local gardening groups
- Faith-based organizations
Toolkit materials
Use this guide to help you plan communication efforts and promote your soilSHOP events. soilSHOP Communication Planning Guide
Customize the flyer template with information about your event.
Outreach Flyer Template
Download to use the logo on your soilSHOP materials.
soilSHOP Logo
Customize the cartoon templates (black and white or color) with information about your event. Use our Communication Planning Guide to effectively advertise your soilSHOP.
Soil Sampling Cartoon (Black and White)
Soil Sampling Cartoon (Color)
Use this factsheet to engage partners and stakeholder to conduct a soilSHOP in your community.
soilSHOP Promotion Factsheet