Science meets health at ATSDR’s community soilSHOPs. These stories highlight the work and successes states have had during soilSHOP events.

Connecting community, partners, and land reuse
The Benton Harbor soilSHOP
Successful soilSHOPs are built on strong partnerships. On September 11, 2019, ATSDR’s Land Reuse Program partnered with Berrien County, and Andrews University, Michigan to facilitate a soilSHOP event. These two partners reside in Benton Harbor, and Berrien Springs, Michigan, respectively. Professionals from across varying disciplines leveraged community partnerships to provide the following:
- Free soil screening
- One-on-one education on lead
- Informational guides on safe gardening practices
- Blood lead testing to Benton Harbor community members
Other participants included:
- Local high school students
- Lakeland Health
- A health professional from Beaumont Medical University at Oakland University
- Tetra Tech
- ATSDR's Brownfields & Reuse Opportunity Working Network (BROWN)
- Partners from Michigan, including staff of the University of Michigan
The Benton Harbor soilSHOP team screened 84 soil samples from 44 participants and educated 35 participants about lead contamination.