Science meets health at ATSDR’s community soilSHOPs. These stories highlight the work and successes states have had during soilSHOP events.

Bringing outreach and education to communities in need
Cumberland soilSHOP
In September 2020, two partners organized a soilSHOP event in Portland, Maine. These partners were the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Region 1 office and the Cumberland County Soil and Water Conservation District (CCSWCD). Over 70 residents, including families with children, attended. This event demonstrated how soilSHOPs can safely provide outreach and education during a pandemic. EPA’s Region 1 office and CCSWCD provided health education on lead prevention. They did this while social distancing, wearing masks, and limiting on-site staff. Forty-three soil samples were collected for screening. Typically, after samples are screened, health educators meet face to face with participants and go over results and best prevention practices. However, to ensure participant and staff safety, local partners contacted the participants by phone. They called to explain participants' soil results, answer questions about best practices for outdoor play/gardening, and provided resources.