Section 1: Learn About Existing Guidance


To learn about and review existing guidance from governmental and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) — that relates to environmental health concerns and early care and education (ECE) programs.

Cover page of CSPECE Guidance Manual

Guidance for Safe Places and Early Care Education

Learn about existing guidance Español (Spanish)

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1. Choose Safe Places for Early Care and Education Guidance Manual
(Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry)

This manual is the cornerstone of ATSDR's initiative. It is the first comprehensive guidance for state agencies on how to create a program where ECE centers are located safely. It's also the basis for this tool.

Use this manual as a touchstone when developing your program

2. Caring for Our Children Basics: Health and Safety Foundations for Early Care and Education
(Administration for Children and Families)

These guidelines outline the minimum health and safety standards. These need to be in place anywhere children are cared for outside their home. These guidelines were created by federal and non-federal experts. They're founded on Caring for Our Children Basics, Third Edition. This resource was created by:

  • The American Academy of Pediatrics
  • American Public Health Association, and
  • National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education

Implications for your program

  • As your state develops your program, you can incorporate and build on standards outlined in Caring for Our Children Basics
  • Review the Choose Safe Places for Early Care and Education Guidance Manual for help on how to implement Caring for Our Children Basics guidance

3. Reducing Environmental Exposures in Child Care Facilities: A Review of State Policy
(Environmental Law Institute)

This overview of environmental exposure policies in various states offers examples of how to strengthen laws, regulations, and programs. This can help address indoor environmental contaminants in child care facilities.

Implications for your program

  • This review shows how states have developed their licensing requirements — and it highlights innovative examples
  • When you're developing your program, Chapter 11 may be especially helpful — it focuses on facility and site location for ECE centers