To share the sustainability plan created by the U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Health (USVI DOH). To also share how partnership with environmental agencies, emergency response, and other agencies, like child care agencies, used data sharing and cooperation to protect children against harmful environmental exposures.

A Sustainability Plan for the U.S. Virgin Islands
The USVI DOH created a sustainability plan to ensure that children continue to be protected from future disaster-related harmful exposures. USVI DOH partnered with environmental agencies, emergency response, and child care agencies. Together they created agreements to sustain data sharing and cooperation to protect children against harmful environmental exposures. USVI DOH also tested response materials with child care providers. Providers overwhelmingly found the materials informative, easy-to-use, and beneficial for assessing environmental risk. The outreach conducted and agreements forged help ensure that USVI's youngest generation is protected from harmful environmental exposures related to disasters.