Explore the Social Vulnerability, Environmental Burden, Health Vulnerability, and Climate Burden Modules to learn more about the EJI indicators.
Indicators featured in the EJI
The indicators included in the EJI, help users identify communities that may be disproportionately affected by socioeconomic, environmental, and health burdens. The EJI also allows users to investigate how specific modules (e.g., environmental burden), domains (e.g., air pollution), and indicators (e.g., ozone) might be contributing to higher burden for a community. Identifying what might be contributing to high ranks for a highly impacted community, gives users a starting point to investigate point sources contributing to pollution in that community and can help inform targeted interventions to help reduce burden in that community.
EJI modules
EJI indicators
*Health vulnerability measures are marked with asterisks as they are calculated differently than other indicators. While most indicators can have a range of values, the health vulnerability indicators only represent whether or not a given census tract experiences a high estimated prevalence of disease. See the EJI Technical Documentation for more information on indicators and index scoring.
EJI Indicators
Text-Only Version
Social Vulnerability Module
- Racial/Ethnic Minority Status
- Minority Status
- Minority Status
- Socioeconomic Status
- Poverty
- No High School Diploma
- Unemployment
- Renters
- Housing Cost Burden
- Lack of Health Insurance
- Lack of Internet Access
- Poverty
- Household Characteristics
- Age 65 and Older
- Age 17 and Younger
- Civilian with a Disability
- English Language Proficiency
- Age 65 and Older
- Housing Type
- Group Quarters
- Mobile Homes
- Group Quarters
Environmental Burden Module
- Air Pollution
- Ozone
- PM2.5 (Fine Particulate Matter)
- Diesel Particulate Matter
- Air Toxics Cancer Risk
- Ozone
- Potentially Hazardous and Toxic Sites
- National Priority List Sites
- Toxic Release Inventory Sites
- Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Sites
- Risk Management Plan Sites
- Coal Mines
- Lead Mines
- National Priority List Sites
- Built Environment
- Lack of Recreational Parks
- Houses Built Pre-1980
- Lack of Walkability
- Lack of Recreational Parks
- Transportation Infrastructure
- High Volume Roads
- Railways
- Airports
- High Volume Roads
- Water Pollution
- Impaired Surface Water
- Impaired Surface Water
Health Vulnerability Module
- Pre-existing Chronic Disease Burden
- Asthma*
- Cancer*
- Coronary Heart Disease*
- Diabetes*
- Poor Mental Health*
- Asthma*