ATSDR Toxicologist Patricia R. works in the Computational Toxicology and Methods Development Lab. This is also known as the CompTox Lab. She uses computer models to analyze structure. This can anticipate how a compound may impact people's health.

Years of service: 16
"At ATSDR, we have a very exciting niche. We leverage the best science to provide solid, rapid answers to community concerns about environmental contaminants."
— Patricia R., Computational Toxicologist
Patricia is a toxicologist in the Computational Toxicology and Methods Development Lab (CompTox Lab) at ATSDR. Computational toxicology involves the use of computer-based models to understand and predict what will happen when people and other life forms interact with pollutants in the air, water, soil, and food.
A toxicologist's job is to fill in the gaps in information. If a chemical has little to no information in the toxicology database, Patricia uses computer models to analyze its structure and anticipate how the compound may impact people's health. After running these mathematical models and evaluating the data, she presents her written findings to work groups and teams. She likes contributing to a growing body of knowledge in her fields of physiological, organic, and computational chemistry. Patricia's groundbreaking work often appears in scientific journals and has been recognized by her peers.
"We have a fascinating niche at the CompTox Lab," Patricia says. "We are leveraging the best science to provide rapid answers to public concerns about environmental contaminants. We help keep communities safe–from the air you breathe to the water you drink."
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