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Idaho's CSPECE (Choose Safe Places for Early Care and Education) is a voluntary program. The program encourages providers to use a property checklist. This protects children from hazardous environmental exposures.

Avoiding Exposures: Idaho Provider Uses Property Checklist to Prevent building on site of former gas station
To protect children from hazardous environmental exposure, Idaho's CSPECE (Choose Safe Places for Early Care and Education) voluntary program encourages providers to use a property checklist that outlines potential environmental exposures when considering a site for their childcare business. In October 2019, Child Care Consultants assisted a provider in completing the checklist for a potential childcare site formerly used as a gas station. When filling out the checklist, the provider discovered that the former gas station had not been remediated. By using the checklist, the provider decided not to open their business in this location and plans to look for a more suitable site, assuring the children that will attend this childcare facility will not be exposed to harmful chemicals.
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